Laura Sibbald

Laura Sibbald M.A., CCC-SLP, ASDCS, CYMHS is passionate about autism advocacy and empowerment, with over 12 years’ experience supporting students and families. She is nationally certified SLP, a published author & presenter. She is a certified RDI Educator, autism clinical specialist, and youth mental health specialist. Laura is currently a member of the Pennsylvania Speech Language Hearing Association’s Multicultural Affairs, and Continuing Education Committees. She is an active member of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association with two ACE Awards for Continuing Education. Laura is a coauthor of the Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Toolbox for Children & Adolescents (PESI, 2020) and the Parenting Toolbox (PESI, 2018). Laura has been an invited speaker at a variety of events across the country, including PESI’s 1st-3rd Autism Symposiums (2021-2023), where she has had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Temple Grandin, Dr. Stephen Shore, and Dr. Barry Prizant, among others. She currently resides in Philadelphia, PA and works as the inaugural Associate Director of Accessibility at Chestnut Hill College, continuing to empower the achievement of students who learn differently.

Financial: I am employed at Chestnut Hill College as the Associate Director of Accessibility and Learning Services. I am the owner and sole proprietor of ND SLP Advocate, LLC. I am the author of the Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Toolbox and the Parenting Toolbox and receive royalties from PESI Publishing.

NonFinancial: Member of ASHA, Member of PSHA- PSHA Committees on Multicultural Affairs and Continuing Education.
Member of the College Autism Network, Member of NEN. Conference registration has been paid.

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