F2-F: Pathway to Higher Education: Practical Strategies to Build Self-Advocacy Skills

Transition to adulthood, including attending college or starting employment, is a time of significant change for many individuals. For autistic students, excitement and anticipation of this change is frequently coupled with a sense of nervousness about how to manage these next important steps. Participants will review data surrounding current status of student preparedness for higher education, areas of growth for students with autism specifically, and typical supports available for students in higher education. This information is used to consider therapeutic outcomes and to support targeted planning and goal setting. In this session, evidence-based strategies to support initiation, motivation, prioritization, time management, and other executive function skills will be explored, including the use of case study examples. A variety of evidence-based methods for promoting dynamic learning, self-awareness, self-management, and self-advocacy strategies to build a student’s personal autonomy is discussed. Attendees will be provided with strategies ready for immediate use.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Attendees will review the components of executive function skills that impact student performance post-secondary transition
  2. Attendees will discuss opportunities for dynamic learning, self-management, and self-advocacy within the therapeutic and academic setting
  3. Attendees will develop a variety of potential goals and objectives that improve student independence and increase preparedness for post-secondary transition
Education Mental Health Self Advocacy Transition


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