FK1: From Challenges to Change: The Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model for Tier 3 Behavior Supports

Prevent-Teach-Reinforce (PTR) is an evidence-based, individualized intervention model designed to address challenging behaviors through team-based collaboration. Research consistently demonstrates that PTR leads to substantial reductions in disruptive behaviors while concurrently increasing pro-social skills, academic engagement, and overall student success. This presentation will provide a clear understanding of the PTR process, an overview of research outcomes in school-based use and a deep dive of the function-based strategies selected through data-based decisions within the collaborative process.

  1. Learning Outcomes:
    1. Overview of the Prevent-Teach-Reinforce Model and the core components
    2. Research outcomes related to the use of PTR in the classroom setting
    3. Understanding of the intervention selection framework, with a sample of utilizing data-based decision making for strategy selection
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