B1-C: Teen Workshop: Why Work? Series: An Employment Readiness Model for Autistic High School Students

The Daniel Jordan Fiddle Foundation Transition and Adult team at UM-NSU CARD and Best Buddies Transition partnered to co-facilitate the Teen Workshop: Why Work? series. The workshop is designed to assist High School aged students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities in bridging the gap between school-based knowledge and workplace readiness. The 6 session in-person workshops prepared participants to start setting their vocational goals through informational sessions, employment-based educational training, and self-advocacy training. This presentation will share the key components of the program, which focuses on career exploration and future planning.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Participants will learn about the goal and structure of the Teen Workshop: Why Work?
  2. Participants will gain knowledge about the program’s supplemental supports, the Best Buddies transition curriculum and the Job SEEKers Handbook.
  3. Participants will view program testimonials and gain an understanding of program impact and outcomes.
Employment Transition


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