B3-E Neurodivergence and Executive Funtioning within the College Population

 Today, more colleges and universities offer some form of neurodiverse support; it is rare to find a college or university that does not. The availability of technology, diagnostics and support programs show that universities are growing more attuned to the wide-ranging needs of their entire student population. It is of benefit to the neurodiverse student for mental health professionals to also offer informed support. Statistics show 80% of the neurodiverse population do not finish their undergraduate degree. Neurodiversity is frequently under or unrecognized, undertreated and/or given treatments for co-occurring disorders instead. This presentation will help mental health professionals develop a better comprehensive assessment of the characteristics and symptoms of the neurodivergent student, including the different presentations among genders, and learn about co-occurring disorders to be able to discern between diagnoses.

Learning Outcomes:
1. This presentation will help therapists develop a better comprehensive assessment of the characteristics and symptoms of the neurodivergent college student.
2. Understand how the differing neurodiverse presentations vary between genders and how this effects diagnosis.
3. Understand neurodiverse co-occurring disorders to be able to discern between diagnoses.
Adult Education Family Self Advocacy Social Skills


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