B4-C: What You Need to Know About Sensory Processing & Sensory Integration Therapy

The link between Autism and difficulties in sensory processing is well established and now included as part of the DSM V diagnostic criteria. Research supports the use of sensory integration therapy or Ayres Sensory Integration in combination with other approaches to improve functional and participation issues in the home, school and community settings. Therefore, it is imperative for professionals, parents, and teachers to be knowledgeable about sensory processing and it impacts on a child’s functional abilities. This presentation will focus on the basic tenets of sensory integration and processing, patterns of dysfunction, and the core principles of sensory integration therapy.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Describe the principles of sensory processing and integration theory and their influence on function and participation.
  2. Identify sensory processing challenges in children
  3. Explain the tenets of sensory integration theory
Family Health & Wellness Sensory Processing Social Skills


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