B5-D Promoting Inclusive Visits to a Museum of Natural History using Virtual Reality for Autistic Families

Virtual Reality (VR) can be utilized as a pre-visit material for autistic families to encourage accessibility and inclusion. We deployed a VR tour at the Florida Museum of Natural History and used a multiple case study methodology framed by the Contextual Model of Learning to investigate autistic families experiences. Findings suggest that the VR tour reduces anxiety and creates a sense of predictability. We will reflect upon the implications of this study on VR technology and inclusive museum experiences for autistic visitors by sharing the cross-family comparisons.

Learning Outcomes:

1. List three potential sensory challenges for autistic visitors at the museum.

2. Demonstrate how to utilize VR technology as pre-visit material.

3. Identify three features of VR technology that can help to support autistic families visits before they visit a museum.

All Family Health & Wellness


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