F1-F: The Inclusive and Therapeutic Value of Music for ASD Students

ESE teachers consistently try and find new ways to promote inclusion with their students, the general education students, and their community. One of the ways to accomplish this is through the arts, specifically with music and performance. Prior to this year, a collaboration was formed with the FSU Music Education Department’s students and the Leon High School Lions United Band Class. During the prior year, the FSU music education students worked one-on-one with the ESE high school band students, many with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), teaching them how to use various instruments, some traditional and some non-traditional. Later in the year, the band students performed a choreographed concert showcasing their musical talents with the guidance and leadership of FSU music students. During this year’s collaboration with the FSU Music Department, efforts were made to make the project more inclusive and broaden the artistic talents of the ESE students by bringing in general education students from other performance groups and musical genres.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Each participant will be able to re-create this program and/or model at their school.

2. Each participant will be able to find a community partner when re-creating the program and/or model.

3. Each participant will understand the process of encouraging peer group participation.

Education Inclusive Environment Social Skills


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