FB3-B: Game on for Good Behavior: Strategic Implementation of Group Contingencies for Classroom Success

The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a Tier-1, group continency, classroom management strategy that aims to decrease challenging behaviors and increase appropriate behaviors. The effectiveness of the GBG has been widely studied, and research has shown reduction of behaviors such as aggression, defiance, and hyperactivity, while fostering cooperative skills and increased academic engagement. Longitudinal outcomes indicate that the use of GBG has been linked to decreased risk of substance abuse, fewer mental health concerns, and lower rates of unlawful behavior later in life. Together we will walk through the steps of preparation and implementation of the intervention, with each participant walking away with a tangible plan for implementation and monitoring.

  1. Learning Outcomes:
    1. Overview of the Good Behavior Game (GBG) 
    2. Research outcomes related to the use of the Good Behavior Game (GBG) for use in classroom settings
    3. Clear, strategic process for implementation, data collection methods, and fidelity monitoring
Communication Education Evaluations Health & Wellness Inclusive Environment


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