Bernardo Cuadra

Bernardo Cuadra is an Education & Training Specialist with UF Health Jacksonville, Division of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, UF JAX CARD and UF JAX FDLRS-MDC programs. He graduated from Florida International University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a Minor in Biology. He currently holds a Florida Certification Board Child Welfare Case Manager certification and he previously worked in Child Welfare as a case manager and a supervisor for a total of over five years; helping to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children while trying to help parents heal and grow so they can be reunited together successfully. He has dedicated to working within the community with children, families and addressing mental health and social concerns with a heavy exposure in social work, case management and mental health in both the community and residential settings. In his current position as an Education & Training Specialist he provides supports to individuals on the spectrum along with families who have a loved one with autism. He collaborates closely with the community to provide trainings, consultations, and awareness events. He also works closely with adults on the spectrum and the Spanish speaking community, offering support, services and resources.

Financial: Employed at UF JAX CARD. Conference registration paid.

NonFinancial:No nonfinancial disclosures

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