Brett Walden is the lead Education & Training Specialist with UF Health Jacksonville, Division of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, UF JAX CARD and UF JAX FDLRS-MDC programs. He graduated from Georgia Southern University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and a Master’s degree in Public Health. He has taught students with autism and was an administrator of a special education private school in Jacksonville, FL for nearly ten years. In his current position as an Education & Training Specialist he provides supports to individuals on the spectrum along with families who have a loved one with autism. He collaborates closely with the community to provide trainings, consultations, and awareness events.
Financial: I am employed at UF Health – Jacksonville, Division of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, as an Education and Training Specialist. Conference registration has been paid.
NonFinancial: No nonfinancial disclosures.
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