Lotoya Odom

Lotoya is a Licensed School Psychologist who has worked in public schools for 10 years. Since transitioning from the school, she has worked as a School Psychologist for UF Health in Jacksonville, FL within the Neurodevelopmental Pediatric department. Lotoya has also works as an independent field researcher conducting assessments for standardized assessments, like the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Expressive Vocabulary Test (EVT), Tests of Written Language (TOWL), etc. In her spare time, she enjoys game nights with family and close friends and assisting with community-driven creative arts events.

Financial: Lotoya is employed as a School Psychologist for UF Health in Jacksonville, FL within the Neurodevelopmental Pediatric department. Lotoya has also works as an independent field researcher conducting assessments for standardized assessments. Conference registration paid. Non-Financial: None to disclose at this time.

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