Rosally Bisbal Moreno

Rosally Bisbal Moreno, holds a doctoral degree in clinical psychology and has focused her career on improving the mental well-being of children and young people. With a background in various areas such as early intervention, school services, outpatient therapy, and residential treatment facilities, she has been instrumental in guiding youth and families through emotional and behavioral challenges, developing resilience, managing trauma, and nurturing healthy relationships to positively influence child development. Acknowledging the crucial role of educators, Rosally has been a strong advocate for providing teachers with the necessary resources to support diverse learners effectively. In her current role as the Behavior Intervention Specialist at Orange County Head Start for the past three years, Rosally leads the creation and implementation of tailored, evidence-based strategies rooted in Positive Behavior Solutions and age-appropriate practices. Her expertise lies in handling behavioral issues in preschool settings, where she collaborates closely with teachers to cultivate supportive learning environments. Rosally’s unwavering commitment to promoting inclusivity and empowering both students and educators reflects her dedication to ensuring every child can thrive, regardless of their abilities.

Financial: employed as the Behavior Intervention Specialist at Orange County Head Start. Conference registration paid. Non-financial: none to disclose.

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